I hereby request and consent to the performance of therapeutic exercise monitored by a rehabilitation technician, chiropractic manipulation and manual therapy techniques and other chiropractic procedures, including various modes of physical therapeutic modalities and procedures and diagnostic X-rays, where warranted, on me (or on the patient named below, for whom I am legally responsible) by the doctor of chiropractic named below and/or other licensed doctors of chiropractic who now or in the future work at the clinic or office listed below.
I can discuss with the doctor of chiropractic named below the nature and purpose of chiropractic adjustments and other procedures. I understand that results are not guaranteed.
I understand and am informed that, as in the practice of medicine, in the practice of chiropractic there are some risks to treatment and diagnostic services including but not limited to:
Adjustments: increased discomfort, fractures, disc injuries, strokes, dislocations and sprains.
*The primary techniques used by the doctors at Rockrimmon Chiropractic virtually eliminate the risk of fracture, dislocations, stroke, and disc injury – but we still have to say it.
Therapeutic Modalities and procedures: additional pain and discomfort.
Radiographs: ionizing radiation can be harmful to a fetus for those who are pregnant or might be pregnant.
Lab Draws: bleeding at site of draw, bruising, nausea and loss of consciousness I do not expect the doctor to be able to anticipate and explain all risks and complications, and I wish to rely upon the doctor to exercise judgment during the course of the procedure which the doctor feels at the time, based upon the facts then known to him or her, is in my best interest. The doctor named below has additionally explained the risks associated with my refusal of treatment.
I understand that if I request a private consultation with the doctor to discuss personal health matters, upon my request, this private room with the doctor and a staff member will be provided.
I have read, or have had read to me, the above consent. I have also had an opportunity to ask questions about its content, and by signing below I agree to the above-named procedures. I intend this consent form to cover the entire course of treatment for my present condition and for any future condition(s) for which I seek treatment.